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Qu'est-ce qu'un téléphone reconditionné ?

Depuis 2 décennies le monde de la technologie et notamment celui des smartphones évolue à une vitesse fulgurante, mais cette évolution a un coût pour notre planète. Heureusement, il existe une alternative écologique et économique : le téléphone reconditionné. Qu'est-ce que cela signifie exactement ? Plongeons dans cet univers fascinant pour mieux comprendre.

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Digital Sobriety: simple actions for sustainable impact

In our digital era, where technology advances at a breakneck speed, it's crucial to consider our ecological footprint. As a proponent of the circular economy, Phone Recycle Solution (PRS) champions sustainability and environmental responsibility. This article provides practical advice on using your smartphone in an eco-friendly manner, thereby extending its lifespan and, consequently, benefiting both your wallet and our planet.

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How to choose a refurbished smartphone?

Sometimes, buying a refurbished smartphone can leads to disappointment; whether aesthetic or functional, making the prospect of acquiring a new one daunting. Aware that searching for a refurbished smartphone can quickly become complicated due to the plethora of offers found online or in stores, and sometimes the inability to gauge the quality of the refurbished product and the accompanying service, we provide several tips to help you choose the device that meets your expectations.

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